
日本語で「今は土砂降りだよ」と言うの文は英語で「It rains cats and dogs」です。
イタリア語で「piove a catinelle」、文字通り意味は「桶のように雨が降っている」。
Quando piove forte, in giapponese si dice si dice “doshiaburi”, che significa “Piove terra e sabbia”.
In inglese si dice “It rains cats and dogs”: “Piovono gatti e cani”.
Comunque oggi in inglese questa frase si sente poco.
In cinese c’è un idioma che dice più o meno “Piove come da un secchio “, simile all’italiano “Piove a catinelle”.
英语的谚语是“It rains cats and dogs”,意思是「猫和狗落下来」。
用意大利话可以说“Piove a catinelle”,和中文的句子意思差不多。
Japanese people have have a word to convey the idea of heavy rain: “doshiaburi”, meaning “it rains earth and sand”.
In English there is “it rains cats and dogs”, though few people use it today.
Chinese people say “qing pen da yu”, sort of “like pouring from a bucket”; the meaning is similar to the italian sentence “Piove a catinelle”.

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