

No. 1 impediment to growth in China is finding the talent they need to scale their businesses.

啊!好聪明! 记者为发明这个复杂的问题肯定学了好多年。

The lack of white collar workers has created a mercenary class of executives who bounce from job to job seeking wage increases of even just several hundred dollars a year.


Overseas training is one of the most prized benefits that Chinese employees mention.

真是太感谢你啦!在意大利也一样! 我想世界上谁不喜欢免费的国外度假?

Money is important, but Chinese employees are motivated to work hard and stay with a company not only by a larger paycheck but also by working in corporate cultures that make them feel they are part of a company that supports their career growth.


Recentemente ho letto un articolo molto significativo:
Nell’articolo sono esposti molti concetti validi, però ce ne sono anche alcuni veramente ridicoli, per esempio:

No. 1 impediment to growth in China is finding the talent they need to scale their businesses.

“L’ostacolo maggiore allo sviluppo in Cina è la difficoltà di trovare talenti adeguati per l’espansione del business.”
Ma che arguzia! Quanto avrà studiato l’autore per arrivare a conclusioni così eclatanti? Sono impressionato, e ce n’è ancora:

The lack of white collar workers has created a mercenary class of executives who bounce from job to job seeking wage increases of even just several hundred dollars a year.

“La mancanza di colletti bianchi ha creato una classe di manager di medio livello mercenari che saltano da un posto di lavoro all’altro per aumenti retributivi anche solo di qualche centinaio di sollari all’anno.”
Quindi secondo l’opinione dell’autore, sembra che invece normalmente i dipendenti lavorino per beneficienza.
Comunque, centinaia di dollari all’anno non sono mica spiccioli.
E ancora:

Overseas training is one of the most prized benefits that Chinese employees mention.

“I periodi di training all’estero sono una delle forme di benefit più gradite agli impiegati cinesi.”
Grazie tante, vale anche in Italia! Vorrei proprio sapere a chi al mondo non piacerebbe una vacanza gratis all’estero!
Alla fine, la conclusione dell’autore è la seguente:

Money is important, but Chinese employees are motivated to work hard and stay with a company not only by a larger paycheck but also by working in corporate cultures that make them feel they are part of a company that supports their career growth.

“I soldi sono importanti, ma i dipendenti cinesi sono motivati a lavorare di più ed essere fedeli all’azienda non solo dalla busta paga, ma anche da una cultura aziendale che gli faccia sentire parte di una ditta che favorisce la loro crescita professionale.”
Beh non ho mica bisogno di leggere una rivista importante come “forbes” per accorgermi di una cosa del genere!

Recently I’ve been through an interesting read:
There are many interesting points, but some are laughable, as this one:

No. 1 impediment to growth in China is finding the talent they need to scale their businesses.

How brilliant! I wonder how many years of study the author needed to reach such astounding conclusions. I’m impressed, but there’s more:

The lack of white collar workers has created a mercenary class of executives who bounce from job to job seeking wage increases of even just several hundred dollars a year.

So, according to the author’s opinion, people should work for charity only.
And excuse me, “several hundred dollars a year” is not pocket money under my roof.
More to come:

Overseas training is one of the most prized benefits that Chinese employees mention.

Thank you very much, in Italy is just the same! I’d like to know who in the world would say “no thanks” to a nice paid vacation abroad!
In the end, the conclusion is:

Money is important, but Chinese employees are motivated to work hard and stay with a company not only by a larger paycheck but also by working in corporate cultures that make them feel they are part of a company that supports their career growth.

Well, I don’t need Forbes to understand this!

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