
Continuazione del post sulla ciotola di riso.

  1. 中文: 黄说,”为了保住这个饭碗,他一直都把这个规定牢记心中。
  2. 拼音: huáng shuō,”wéi le bǎo zhù zhè gè fàn wǎn, tā yī zhí dōu bǎ zhè gè guī dìng láo jì xīn zhōng。
  3. Italiano: Huang dice: “Per conservare i propri mezzi di sostentamento si deve tenere a mente questa regola tutto il tempo.
  4. English: Huang said, “In order to preserve this rice bowl, one has to keep in mind this rule all the time.


  • 一直 continuously
  • 规定 stipulate, provide
  • 牢记 keep firm in mind (牢=firm, durable; 宀 ‘roof’ + 牛 : an ox firmly enclosed )
  • 心中 in the heart/mind

  1. 中文: 但不幸还是降临了。
  2. 拼音: dàn bú xìng hái shì jiàng lín le。
  3. Italiano: Ma le disgrazie accadono…
  4. English: But shit happens.


  • 不幸 unfortunate(ly)
  • 降临 befall/arrive

  1. 中文: 11 日下午 3时刚过,我从一间光线较暗的屋子里出来,外面强烈的太阳光一照,我眼睛一下就花了,
  2. 拼音: 11 rì xià wǔ 3 shí gāng guò, wǒ cóng yī jiān guāng xiàn jiào àn de wū zǐ lǐ chū lái, wài miàn qiáng liè de tài yáng guāng yī zhào, wǒ yǎn jīng yī xià jiù huā le,
  3. Italiano: In data 11, poco dopo le 3, sono uscito da una stanza buia; fuori la luce era intensa, mi ferì gli occhi,
  4. English: On 11th afternoon little after 3o’clock, I came out from one dark room, outside there was intense sunlight, my eyes all of a sudden were blurred,


  • 光线 light ray
  • dark
  • 强烈 strong, intense, violent
  • shine

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